Woohoo!!!This is actually my first ever Tag.Thanks Wen Dee.
no. 1 What is the relationship of you and her?
Waa..How you know its a her that tagged me???
no. 2 Your 5 impressions of her
- Hmmm...
- Errrrr...
-Great fun to be with!!
no. 3 The most memorable things she has done for you.
Laming with me!!! YEA!!! Lame Siblings Rock!!!
no. 4 The most memorable things she have said to you?
no. 5 If she becomes your lover, you will...
Run!!!cause somebody is sure to come after me...hehe.
no. 6 If she becomes your enemy, you will...
I don't think that will ever happen.
no. 7 If she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
Are you blind???I just said it will never happen.
no. 8 The most desirable thing to do for her is?
Playing bridge with her ( Not LOndon Bridge).
no. 9 The overall impression of her is...
Simple words cannot describe it.
no. 10 How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
Lame fella.That's me.Say it loud,say it proud!!!haha.
no. 11 The character of you for yourself is?
Shaun (The Sheep) HAHA.
no. 12 On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
Why would I hate myself???
no. 13 The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
As close as possible to Jesus Christ.
no. 14 For the people who care about and likes you, say something about them.
Keep on doing what you do best....Being a FRIEND!!!
no. 15 10 friends to tag
1. Denise Song
2. Joanne Lim
3. Chia Ching the mEcHo
4. Tan Enoch
5. Anne Peterson
6. Low Enwei (discovered any other talents lately)
7. Andrew Wong ( still hot as ever I hope)
8. Addison Ooh (yo!!)
9. Daniel Chiam ( wassup??)
10. Shaun the Sheep??( Baa...)
no. 16 Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
[Joanne]Hmm..I dunno.Better go find out.
no. 17 Is no. 3 a male or a female?
[mEcHo]Is a toilet bowl boy or girl??
no. 18 If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
[Andrew and Sheep]Hmm...interesting.But i guess not since he's(Sheep) not real.
no. 19 How about no. 5 and no. 8?
[Anne and Addison]They don't even knoe each other...or do they???
no. 20 What is no. 1 studying about?
[Denise] Form 4 science stream
no. 21 Is no. 4 single?
[Enoch] Don't know either.
no. 22 Say something about no. 6
[Enwei]She has many hidden talents.Haha.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
H-factor la!!!
Haha.Malunya saya.Its actually H-factor not project H.Haha.Anyway we were'nt allowed to take photos during the workshops I din get to take much photos.Actually I took only 2.But the staff and crew member got take photos.But i got to go to their website to upload them.But until now still don't have.So you guys got to wait a bit la.Patient is a virtue.Haha.

Harith the Stand-up comedian!!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Project H!!!
YEA!!!Tomorrow I'm gonna meet with Hannah Tan and other Malaysian celebrities.Woohoo!!!Its going to be fun.I can sense it.Haha.Their here in Penang for some project.Its called Project H..I think.Well, anyways their here to do some talent spotting and educate bout the entertainment industry and stuff.So well, I thought chances like this are 1 in a million so what the heck...Full story with pics tomorrow!!!
P.S : Hannah Tan's not bad.Haha. (Hot.Psstt!!!)
P.S : Hannah Tan's not bad.Haha. (Hot.Psstt!!!)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Who Am I ???
Grace and mercy forever with me,
That God would send His Son for me,
For who am I but a dog in the street,
That He would love me so willingly.
Am I a good man that He would save my soul,
Am I righteous to be in His presence,
I am nothing but a sinner and fool,
All I deserve is a death sentence.
But still He chose me and loved me as His,
He came down and died to cleanse me my sins,
His love is everlasting and so is His peace,
The forgiveness of sins now I know I am His.
God the Father,
Christ Jesus the Son,
The Holy Spirit,
And all three are One.
One with the Father,
One with the Son,
One in Spirit,
The church shall become.
All praise and all glory,
To Christ the Risen One,
Worship His holy name,
That all God wants.
If we are in HIm and He is in us,
Much fruit we shall bear because of His love,
Faith like a seed not a fear nor a doubt,
Mountains shall move like wind blowing clouds.
His word we obey,
And nations shall come,
Until that day,
In glory Christ comes.
That God would send His Son for me,
For who am I but a dog in the street,
That He would love me so willingly.
Am I a good man that He would save my soul,
Am I righteous to be in His presence,
I am nothing but a sinner and fool,
All I deserve is a death sentence.
But still He chose me and loved me as His,
He came down and died to cleanse me my sins,
His love is everlasting and so is His peace,
The forgiveness of sins now I know I am His.
God the Father,
Christ Jesus the Son,
The Holy Spirit,
And all three are One.
One with the Father,
One with the Son,
One in Spirit,
The church shall become.
All praise and all glory,
To Christ the Risen One,
Worship His holy name,
That all God wants.
If we are in HIm and He is in us,
Much fruit we shall bear because of His love,
Faith like a seed not a fear nor a doubt,
Mountains shall move like wind blowing clouds.
His word we obey,
And nations shall come,
Until that day,
In glory Christ comes.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Speak no evil,Say no evil but watch some lameness
And the winner is.......
Thank you so much for having us at your house even though I know it was very tiring.Housing 9 superactive teens with raging hormones at your beloved house.Thanks alot for making our reunion happen.Also thank you for driving us around the place.Really really Thank you.
Thank you also for helping with the bbq fire.I don't think we'll even get it started without your help and not forgetting the bonfire also.Thank you also for driving us around and taking us to see God's beautiful creation.
SHU YI!!!!
Thanks so much for helping with the shopping and chaperoning and driving.Would'nt know how to go anywhere without your wondrous help.
Aunty Choy Quin!!!!
Thank you also for driving us around and tolerating our lameness while in your car.Hopefully our singing did not make you deaf.Haha.Also thank you for the lunch and having us at your workplace.Hope we did'nt get you into trouble with our noise.
Thank you guys for being such wonderful people in my life.Hope to meet you all again somewhere,sometime,someplace in this journey of mine.Can't wait to see all of you again and do what we do best.....FUN!!!! The LAME SIBLINGS shall reunite again someday. And so will the DESPERADO BROTHERS continue to be desperate but not mad. The SHEEP and the LAMB shall wait for another bbq. And the NEWTOWN GANGSTERS meet to terrorise somebody elses place again.
Thank you so much for having us at your house even though I know it was very tiring.Housing 9 superactive teens with raging hormones at your beloved house.Thanks alot for making our reunion happen.Also thank you for driving us around the place.Really really Thank you.
Thank you also for helping with the bbq fire.I don't think we'll even get it started without your help and not forgetting the bonfire also.Thank you also for driving us around and taking us to see God's beautiful creation.
SHU YI!!!!
Thanks so much for helping with the shopping and chaperoning and driving.Would'nt know how to go anywhere without your wondrous help.
Aunty Choy Quin!!!!
Thank you also for driving us around and tolerating our lameness while in your car.Hopefully our singing did not make you deaf.Haha.Also thank you for the lunch and having us at your workplace.Hope we did'nt get you into trouble with our noise.
Thank you guys for being such wonderful people in my life.Hope to meet you all again somewhere,sometime,someplace in this journey of mine.Can't wait to see all of you again and do what we do best.....FUN!!!! The LAME SIBLINGS shall reunite again someday. And so will the DESPERADO BROTHERS continue to be desperate but not mad. The SHEEP and the LAMB shall wait for another bbq. And the NEWTOWN GANGSTERS meet to terrorise somebody elses place again.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Endless Lameness....Round 4
Sadly we have come to the last day,Tuesday.Quoting brother Juli-an kor " all good things must come to an end".Too true.But all in all the fun times were irreplaceable and the sad times were blessings.It is as the lonely says ' Absence makes the heart grow fonder' and as sure as the sun rises each day, we were already starting to miss each other the moment we woke up...
8.00 a.m was the hour we woke as our dear,kind and beloved brother Austin had to go to work, with some delays and heavy hearts we left our home base.Sorry Austin if we made you late that day and if we caused you any sleeping problems and household messes.Uncle Herbie and Austin drove us to the station where we said farewell to our mentors ( for the guys).After bout 20 minute ride we were then greeted by Aunty Choy Quin and proceeded to my favourite activity...LUNCH!!!!Thank you aunty for being sooooo generous.
The TRAC HQ was next on our farewell list.We visited the Hq and had more fun filled lameness there.Playing bridge,imaginery train,Bridge,computer games,bridge,proving some formula,bridge,bridge and mor bridge.And not to forget our early tea by our dear Rev. Ong ( pizza again) YEA!!!
Finally the time of the hour came and we had to go our separate ways again...not long after the fun started Enoch said his farewells.Then was the mEcho worm and finally the rest of us.But the fun still did not end..Of course with your with the Lame Siblings and Super Hot Dude the fun never ever ends til its over.Haha.Our juorney to the puduraya bus station was filled with further surprises...Haha.
At long last...our final farewells were said but in our hearts hope for another re-u burns.....
8.00 a.m was the hour we woke as our dear,kind and beloved brother Austin had to go to work, with some delays and heavy hearts we left our home base.Sorry Austin if we made you late that day and if we caused you any sleeping problems and household messes.Uncle Herbie and Austin drove us to the station where we said farewell to our mentors ( for the guys).After bout 20 minute ride we were then greeted by Aunty Choy Quin and proceeded to my favourite activity...LUNCH!!!!Thank you aunty for being sooooo generous.
The TRAC HQ was next on our farewell list.We visited the Hq and had more fun filled lameness there.Playing bridge,imaginery train,Bridge,computer games,bridge,proving some formula,bridge,bridge and mor bridge.And not to forget our early tea by our dear Rev. Ong ( pizza again) YEA!!!
Finally the time of the hour came and we had to go our separate ways again...not long after the fun started Enoch said his farewells.Then was the mEcho worm and finally the rest of us.But the fun still did not end..Of course with your with the Lame Siblings and Super Hot Dude the fun never ever ends til its over.Haha.Our juorney to the puduraya bus station was filled with further surprises...Haha.
At long last...our final farewells were said but in our hearts hope for another re-u burns.....
Friday, October 3, 2008
Lameness To The Highest Level!!!!....Round 3
Hello and Good evening.Welcome back to Reunion Days...Once again Mr.Baa shall do the honors.
And now we proceed to Monday...
With our plans to wake up and watch the sunrise failing we did the next best thing....sleep.Haha.So we continued doing that til bout 8.00 a.m?? ( I was woken up by my hungry stomach) Then we wad another wonderful breakfast at a not so nearby coffeeshop.I had a bowl of pan mee n a cup of coffee.Then we headed home to prepare for our next activity!!!Wat....the...fall!!!!But before I get on to that...We watched a sermon titled "Bait of Satan" and it was really interesting.Highly recommended.Makes you think and realise lots of stuff.
So, moving on to the Wat...the..fall!!!We left Austin's house bout 3.30???And arrived shortly after but not forgetting to give KokoBert the dreaded" JS Mentor Idol".Haha.Touching down at the waterfall,we quickly hiked up the hill and looked for a great place to swim.Finding one, we started to get the fun started.After a great show by some monkeys ( literally) we started the fun!!!First things first me and CC hunted and seached for good places to slide off the rocks.Slippery but not hurting.Finally we found one and started climbing and sliding and climbing and sliding.Sadly,6.00 clock came and we had to leave.But of course with the JS people, the fun never ends...
After going back home for a quick rest,shower and such we were joined by our Principal,Aunty Choy Quin for dinner.So much fun,singing and laming in her car.Sadly, I had a greater calling and was whisked away...But nonetheless the singing and laming continued.
First stop was the lighthouse and more monkeys with beautiful sunset.Next was dinner and....FIREFLY!!!!
Those creatures were really something.Though small in size their lights were well...bright.They were beautiful,magnificient and something you don't get to see everyday in this techno era.
And now we proceed to Monday...
With our plans to wake up and watch the sunrise failing we did the next best thing....sleep.Haha.So we continued doing that til bout 8.00 a.m?? ( I was woken up by my hungry stomach) Then we wad another wonderful breakfast at a not so nearby coffeeshop.I had a bowl of pan mee n a cup of coffee.Then we headed home to prepare for our next activity!!!Wat....the...fall!!!!But before I get on to that...We watched a sermon titled "Bait of Satan" and it was really interesting.Highly recommended.Makes you think and realise lots of stuff.
So, moving on to the Wat...the..fall!!!We left Austin's house bout 3.30???And arrived shortly after but not forgetting to give KokoBert the dreaded" JS Mentor Idol".Haha.Touching down at the waterfall,we quickly hiked up the hill and looked for a great place to swim.Finding one, we started to get the fun started.After a great show by some monkeys ( literally) we started the fun!!!First things first me and CC hunted and seached for good places to slide off the rocks.Slippery but not hurting.Finally we found one and started climbing and sliding and climbing and sliding.Sadly,6.00 clock came and we had to leave.But of course with the JS people, the fun never ends...
After going back home for a quick rest,shower and such we were joined by our Principal,Aunty Choy Quin for dinner.So much fun,singing and laming in her car.Sadly, I had a greater calling and was whisked away...But nonetheless the singing and laming continued.
First stop was the lighthouse and more monkeys with beautiful sunset.Next was dinner and....FIREFLY!!!!
Those creatures were really something.Though small in size their lights were well...bright.They were beautiful,magnificient and something you don't get to see everyday in this techno era.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Fun Filled Lameness.....Round 2
And now...presenting our new talk show host......Baa!!!!Welcome Mr.Baa...
Let us continue shall we...Hmmm where did we leave last night....Ah yes,Saturday now we shall continue on with Sunday.Waking up at 7 or 8 we all got up to get ready for church.Seems like a change of plans we were going to Whispering Hope instead of Kepong Wesley...After a quick breakfast at a Mamak shop ( I ate roti telur bawang and the usual teh halia) and saw some super teh tariking by our Mamak friend, we left with full stomachs and high hopes to church or lecture hall.There I surprised a fellow church mate,Joyce, and we caught up on some things.The sermon by Dr. Goh was very how to say....inspiring and made me realise how people are living.
Next we had some Fat Rice for lunch and went back to our place.There we had more lameness and fun playing mafia ( Yea!! I rescued June twice) while others watched some Ah Long movie,played more bridge while we waited for the time to go and have our hilltop babi Q.
The babi Q was nice.Set on a hilltop, the view was priceless.We had fun trying to keep the fire alive with KokoBert throwing in some ' magic ' water to ' spice up ' the flame.We had more fun cooking ( Wen Dee lost focus half way and started burning up the chickens), eating and laming around.Sad though when June,Anitha and Shu Yi had to leave.After our stomachs were filled, it was time to open up and share what we did after Js.But before that, we sat in front of the fire and had an early Christmas!!!!We sang our hearts out.Singing all the Christmas carols we could remember ( I think the whole Kampung could hear us.Hehehe.)
After all that sharing, it was time to leave for home.We walked back still singing but this time we were singing all the nursery rhymes we ever came across.But the night was just beginning,instead of going to sleep ( because we were suppose to wake up for the sunrise) we sat around and started talking of stories.Talking til the wee hours of the morning me,En Wei and Wen Dee slept at bout 4.30.
....And of course we all missed the sunrise......
Let us continue shall we...Hmmm where did we leave last night....Ah yes,Saturday now we shall continue on with Sunday.Waking up at 7 or 8 we all got up to get ready for church.Seems like a change of plans we were going to Whispering Hope instead of Kepong Wesley...After a quick breakfast at a Mamak shop ( I ate roti telur bawang and the usual teh halia) and saw some super teh tariking by our Mamak friend, we left with full stomachs and high hopes to church or lecture hall.There I surprised a fellow church mate,Joyce, and we caught up on some things.The sermon by Dr. Goh was very how to say....inspiring and made me realise how people are living.
Next we had some Fat Rice for lunch and went back to our place.There we had more lameness and fun playing mafia ( Yea!! I rescued June twice) while others watched some Ah Long movie,played more bridge while we waited for the time to go and have our hilltop babi Q.
The babi Q was nice.Set on a hilltop, the view was priceless.We had fun trying to keep the fire alive with KokoBert throwing in some ' magic ' water to ' spice up ' the flame.We had more fun cooking ( Wen Dee lost focus half way and started burning up the chickens), eating and laming around.Sad though when June,Anitha and Shu Yi had to leave.After our stomachs were filled, it was time to open up and share what we did after Js.But before that, we sat in front of the fire and had an early Christmas!!!!We sang our hearts out.Singing all the Christmas carols we could remember ( I think the whole Kampung could hear us.Hehehe.)
After all that sharing, it was time to leave for home.We walked back still singing but this time we were singing all the nursery rhymes we ever came across.But the night was just beginning,instead of going to sleep ( because we were suppose to wake up for the sunrise) we sat around and started talking of stories.Talking til the wee hours of the morning me,En Wei and Wen Dee slept at bout 4.30.
....And of course we all missed the sunrise......
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Lameness...Round 1
Hello and welcome back to The Latest News of The Life of Shaun 'The Sheep' Yeoh....Straight form the Sheep's mouth.And now we go to Sheepie for the wheather report...
Starting with last sat...The wheater was great,bright shining sun with no signs of cloud all the way down as I travelled to KL.With a little touch of boredoom and some music for company, the journey seemed faster but not fast enough.Finally touching down in Pudu greeted by a small welcoming commitee,I was soon made comfortable by the greetings and stories from evryone else.
Now back to you Shaun for the daily report...
Well...Soon we,Enoch,Hon-Hon,Matt and me were travelling by train to rawang then we were greeted by the rest of the welcoming committee.So wonderfull to see the familiar faces of a worm,blur boy,lamb and wern duh.Haha.Our hungry stomachs were soon satisfied as we stopped at a nearby 'Kopitiam' with help from our mentors.Then it was off to buy stuff for our babi Q.So much fun deciding what to buy,testing my brain against the calculator.Haha.
Starting with last sat...The wheater was great,bright shining sun with no signs of cloud all the way down as I travelled to KL.With a little touch of boredoom and some music for company, the journey seemed faster but not fast enough.Finally touching down in Pudu greeted by a small welcoming commitee,I was soon made comfortable by the greetings and stories from evryone else.
Now back to you Shaun for the daily report...
Well...Soon we,Enoch,Hon-Hon,Matt and me were travelling by train to rawang then we were greeted by the rest of the welcoming committee.So wonderfull to see the familiar faces of a worm,blur boy,lamb and wern duh.Haha.Our hungry stomachs were soon satisfied as we stopped at a nearby 'Kopitiam' with help from our mentors.Then it was off to buy stuff for our babi Q.So much fun deciding what to buy,testing my brain against the calculator.Haha.
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