Does the title sound familiar???That's because its the solgan,theme or wadeva you wanna call it for Liverpool.In fact its not only a slogan or wadeva its a great truth.You wanna know what's the truth???First let me begin with a story...
There was once an old lady.She lived alone in a house.Nobody was there except her and the four walls of the house.None of her neighbours wanted anything to do with her and so did her family.But one day as she was going to church, a church member asked her a simple question...
"Don't you feel lonely at home?"
"No,I don't"the old lady replied.
"Why not?Aren't you the only one in the whole house?"
"No,I'm not.There are actually another three people in my house."
The church member thought her 'screw' might be loose.You would too if you knew that the entire household was really just the old lady alone that lived there.But to play along the church member asked,"Who then lives with you?"
"Oh,you don't know?He's actually everywhere and anywhere.He is Jesus."
"Jesus?But He's only one.You said there were three peolple."
"Oh,have you forgotten.Jesus,God and the Holy Spirit are 3 in 1.So all of them are there.God the Father,Jesus the Son and the Holy spirit.I'm never alone."
The moral of the story is:YOU'LL NEVER EVER WALK ALONE!!!