Monday, May 5, 2008


Yesterday I woke up,brush my teeth and did the morning chores.Then I quietl sat down in front of the computer and took a bite off a prune.Suddenly, ouch....A sudden wave of pain erupted from my tooth.Oh no, somethings wrong with my tooth.My beloved tooth.My strong teeth in which i use to bite and chew.My beloved and precious teeth that helps me do my favourite thing...EAT!!!Oh no!!!!In the end,I had to go to the dentist.Surprisingly,unlike in school,each trip to the dentist brought feelings of nervousness and fear but this time it felt different.It just felt like any other ordinary trip to the doctors.Just that you ain' sick.Your tooth is.And so I waited till my name was called.With confidence I stepped in to see the doctor.Unfortunately, for me n my tooth,the doctor had to perform a minor surgery on me tooth.She took out my tooth's nerve which causes me to never ever feel anymore pain.So now,my tooth is feeling abit weird and so am I.Having some difficulty eating.Haiz...But what to do.


Wendee said...

oh no... toothache! school starting soon ady la... so fast!

andrew wong said...

u cannot afford to have eating difficulties! who is going to take over my 'fat guy' title if u cant eat well?! LOL

SheepZ said...

haha.sorry la hon.but its til dis friday oni.den de doc will gimme a stronger filling for de tooth den i can resume eating like always.but no point la.i cant get fat anyway.haha.