Its now been 3 weeks since i saw any of my JS buddies.Really miss them all.Hope to see them real soon.Everytime I wash dishes,eat go toilet doing big or small business or just to bathe I'll immediattely be reminded of the many excitements, fun and interestingness of JS and my buddies.Even when I'm talking to my friends I'll think of my buddies.I would think "If Chia Ching were here...." or "In JS it would be like this..." or " If only my JS buddies could be here...".But sadly our reunion could not go as planned.Sorry ya guys theres still next time or the YLDP.I heard its gonna be 6 days.So lets turn the whole camp upside-down!!!I miss all the imes we had together.Playing dodgeball,captainball or basketball or siting in the U-shape in the hall listening to sessions even sleeping with you guys.Everyday and everything was an adventure.Everything was pure fun,excitement and adventure.Even in the toilet bathing still got talking,singing and stuff.hehe.You guys were really an 'ohana'.And BEST OF ALL your MY 'OHANA'.Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind or FORGOTTEN!!!
wahh... make me want to cry la... siigghh! i miss all of u very very much!!!
eh sheep! i linked u adi! =)
ony blogger can comment. luckily i have gmail account.
miss you ppl too!!
sad la..
gud news... this yr yldp college lvl is expected 2 be in kl area... haha
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