Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Its the new year already...So fast..Time sure flies.It almost feels like yesterday I was just getting ready to leave my home for Jeremiah School and now we are last years JS,not this years JS anymore.But nonetheless,its 2009 already,time to let go of the past that is 2008 and live for the future which is 2009.Keep moving forward!!!!Let's kickstart the year by making or renewing our commitment to God,family,friends and ourselves and not make resolutions that we cant keep or remember to keep.So,put your best foot forward and KEEP MOVING FORWARD!!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
What would 2008 be without my Js people who gave more then friendship to me.Guys...Just wanna thank you for always being there for me always.Don't stop laming and Ooosstt!!!-ing for God!!!
Our friendship will never end.
Many minds it will blast.
And take away our gloom.
For all of us are God's creation,
Perfect and simple,a wonderful addition.
As sure as the sun will rise,
I'll cherish you guys all of my life.

I'll cherish you guys all of my life.
For through it all we live and we learn,
Against all odds a friend I've earned.
What else could it be,
But God's love for you and me.
That brought us together,
To be a family.
Sweet Sweet Memories....

Cute aren't they!!!

Look!!! I got a feather!!!
And the gal you guys have been dying to know bout....

MY KAMPUNG GAL!!!!!Mel's kampung boy!!!....and also my best friend!!!

It's a tough battle but....
I WON!!!!
Rescue the beauty.....again
Who wanna jump???

I'll do it!!!
Claypot Kijang Rice!!!

Look at me!!!I'm Penan!!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Smellzzz yer laterzzzz!!!!!
Woohoo!!!Off to college camp and to catch a few of me old pals.Try not to miss me too much.Haha.Baa!!!Ooosstt!!!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Yo ho! Yo ho!
A Penan's life for me.
We travel the river by boat alot,
No worries me love,yo ho.
We hunt for our food,
And walk with our feet,
No worries me love,yo ho.
Yo ho! Yo ho!
A Penan's life for me.
We play when we want
And do what we need,
No worries me love,yo ho.
Our noons are so hot,
And our nights are so cool,
No worries me love,yo ho.
Yo ho! Yo yo!
A Penan's life for me.
We jump from a tree,
We hunt and we hike,
We hunt and we hike,
No worries me love,yo ho.
We take our own time,
To move and to rhyme,
To move and to rhyme,
No worries me love,yo ho.
Yo ho! Yo ho!
A Penan's life for me.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Just some random updates...
Back from Lg Lamai for almost a whole week now and yet the things we did and shared together with oursleves and the people in there are still fresh in my mind.Ah yes..The laidbackness of waiting for things to happen,the scrumptousness of the food,the innocent and thrilled faces of the kids....etc.etc.And in a few days,I'll be off to KL again for college camp.Anyway, just some words of thanks to all you people whom has remembered me in your prayers while I was in the middle of somewhere.Thanks to your prayers nothing serious but life-threatening happened....TWICE!!!What!?You might ask.But all shall be revealed in due time.I ask that you be patient and continue to wait.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Return of the Sheep!!!
Haiz..So sad to be back but what can I do.No power against time.Its been a wonderful 2 weeks for my body and spirit.It has refreshed my soul and renewed my mind.Blogs on the trips will depend on how fast the pics come.But heres a summary.
A 9-hour road trip through bumpy and vomitable roads(though I slept like a baby) took u somewhere near Lg. Puak where we took a 45mins++ boat ride to Lg Lamai.Introduced to the village.Walked around seeing the sights.Fun places,Serious places,Spiritual places...etc,etc.Saw a few cute,pretty,handsome,yeng...etc,etc faces.Faces which I will never forget.After that the days were followed by mixing and mingling with the people.A 2-hour boat ride took us back out into the modern world to Lg Banga and lastly about 1-hour plane out of the jungle and permanent farewell to my newest bestest of best friends.
A 9-hour road trip through bumpy and vomitable roads(though I slept like a baby) took u somewhere near Lg. Puak where we took a 45mins++ boat ride to Lg Lamai.Introduced to the village.Walked around seeing the sights.Fun places,Serious places,Spiritual places...etc,etc.Saw a few cute,pretty,handsome,yeng...etc,etc faces.Faces which I will never forget.After that the days were followed by mixing and mingling with the people.A 2-hour boat ride took us back out into the modern world to Lg Banga and lastly about 1-hour plane out of the jungle and permanent farewell to my newest bestest of best friends.
P.S: I'm still waiting for things to happen :)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tagged your it!!
Bold the statements that are true to you.
Italicize the statements that you wish were true.
Leave the fibs alone.
Then, poke 5 people to do the same test.
I’m 170cm tall.
I don’t know what I want at the moment.
I’m not happy.
I hate my friends.
I hate my life.
I hate my grades.
He drives.
I’m bored of driving.
I have a white handbag.
I love dancing.
I go clubbing every week.
Shopping is bullshit.
I have a tattoo of a star.
I got my navel pierced.
I have friends that take drugs.
90% of my friends smoke.
I still hang out with my ex, even though our break up was rather nasty.
I’m studying Fashion.
I have a business running.
I hate cartoons.
I hate someone.
I have 10 Guess handbags.
I buy CLEO every month.
My parents don’t know about my blog.
I have an iPod.
I don’t have faith in the current “one”.
My school mates know about my blog.
I wanted to be a fashion designer.
I love rock emo bands.
I hate it when people cancel last minute meet ups.
I’m a rebel.
I’m starting to like wearing dresses.
I don’t believe in love.
High school's filled with drama.
My parents have faith in me.
I’ve bought shoes this month.
A blogger bitched about me before.
I hate sports.
I heart Italian food.
I hate meeting new people.
I hate nail polish.
The mother bear gives me hugs.
People should start appreciating me.
High school was the worst time of my life.
I have red hair.
One Utama is my second home.
I’m a guy.
I’m scared of my Biology exam.
I hate vacations.
We’ll last.
I believe in long distance relationships.
I’m going to get high and smoke weed one day soon.
I’ve robbed an old lady.
I’m starting to like applying make-up.
I was a tomboy.
At times I think I still am a tomboy.
I love bitching about people behind their backs.
I still have a best friend.
I have a cat.
I hate surprise parties.
I hate planning parties.
I’m hot.
I’m a sinner.
I’ve got a DS/DS light.
I have a Wii.
I can live without music.
Video games are a waste of time.
I miss the father bear.
I love being in love.
I know how to cook.
I have 100% freedom.
Boys are assholes.
I hate Math.
I love horror films.
I’m happy with what I have.
I slept in my parents’ room for 3 days after watching Scream when I was a kid.
My old friends keep in touch with me.
I don’t read newspapers.
The news is such a waste of time.
Blogging is a waste of time.
I hate animals.
I can’t live without make-up.
I curse like a pirate.
I’m happy with my 11 year old car.
I hate people that are smart.
I love Apple Juice.
I can’t drink for nuts.
I believe that everyone in their teens have lost their virginity.
I’ve got a new phone.
I’m going to get a new pair of shoes by the end of this month.
I love swimming.
I think I’m fat.
I love my friends and family.
~Andrew Wong
~Addison Ooh
~Joanne Lim
~Denise Song
~Whoever that wanna do this tag
Bold the statements that are true to you.
Italicize the statements that you wish were true.
Leave the fibs alone.
Then, poke 5 people to do the same test.
I’m 170cm tall.
I don’t know what I want at the moment.
I’m not happy.
I hate my friends.
I hate my life.
I hate my grades.
He drives.
I’m bored of driving.
I have a white handbag.
I love dancing.
I go clubbing every week.
Shopping is bullshit.
I have a tattoo of a star.
I got my navel pierced.
I have friends that take drugs.
90% of my friends smoke.
I still hang out with my ex, even though our break up was rather nasty.
I’m studying Fashion.
I have a business running.
I hate cartoons.
I hate someone.
I have 10 Guess handbags.
I buy CLEO every month.
My parents don’t know about my blog.
I have an iPod.
I don’t have faith in the current “one”.
My school mates know about my blog.
I wanted to be a fashion designer.
I love rock emo bands.
I hate it when people cancel last minute meet ups.
I’m a rebel.
I’m starting to like wearing dresses.
I don’t believe in love.
High school's filled with drama.
My parents have faith in me.
I’ve bought shoes this month.
A blogger bitched about me before.
I hate sports.
I heart Italian food.
I hate meeting new people.
I hate nail polish.
The mother bear gives me hugs.
People should start appreciating me.
High school was the worst time of my life.
I have red hair.
One Utama is my second home.
I’m a guy.
I’m scared of my Biology exam.
I hate vacations.
We’ll last.
I believe in long distance relationships.
I’m going to get high and smoke weed one day soon.
I’ve robbed an old lady.
I’m starting to like applying make-up.
I was a tomboy.
At times I think I still am a tomboy.
I love bitching about people behind their backs.
I still have a best friend.
I have a cat.
I hate surprise parties.
I hate planning parties.
I’m hot.
I’m a sinner.
I’ve got a DS/DS light.
I have a Wii.
I can live without music.
Video games are a waste of time.
I miss the father bear.
I love being in love.
I know how to cook.
I have 100% freedom.
Boys are assholes.
I hate Math.
I love horror films.
I’m happy with what I have.
I slept in my parents’ room for 3 days after watching Scream when I was a kid.
My old friends keep in touch with me.
I don’t read newspapers.
The news is such a waste of time.
Blogging is a waste of time.
I hate animals.
I can’t live without make-up.
I curse like a pirate.
I’m happy with my 11 year old car.
I hate people that are smart.
I love Apple Juice.
I can’t drink for nuts.
I believe that everyone in their teens have lost their virginity.
I’ve got a new phone.
I’m going to get a new pair of shoes by the end of this month.
I love swimming.
I haven’t worked out since March.
I think I’m fat.
I love my friends and family.
~Andrew Wong
~Addison Ooh
~Joanne Lim
~Denise Song
~Whoever that wanna do this tag
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Free at last!!!
3...2...1....RRRRIIIINNNGGG!!!!Pieces of paper can be seen flying evrywhere.Shouts of joy soon join the papers in the air.Finally,the day,the hour,the moment has come at last.FREEDOM!!!No more exams.No more sitting down quietly and staring at the question papers with blank expressions.Its all over.Yea!!!Now i can sit back,relax and do what I like best.....Nothing!!!Haha.But I can't really enjoy my holidays much coz pretty soon I have to play dress-up and act for a sketch for the Joy Camp for my church kids.Then its off to KL for the missions briefing where I will most probably be thought on how to eat bugs,worms and other gross stuff before I venture out into the unknown that is Sarawak Jungle to talk the Penans.After that,have to practice superly hard for carolling.A time where I get to eat for free!!!After a little bit pf performance.Haha.What could be better then that.Free FOOD!!!Haha.
Oh yea!!!Wonderful wonderful holidays.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Woohoo!!!This is actually my first ever Tag.Thanks Wen Dee.
no. 1 What is the relationship of you and her?
Waa..How you know its a her that tagged me???
no. 2 Your 5 impressions of her
- Hmmm...
- Errrrr...
-Great fun to be with!!
no. 3 The most memorable things she has done for you.
Laming with me!!! YEA!!! Lame Siblings Rock!!!
no. 4 The most memorable things she have said to you?
no. 5 If she becomes your lover, you will...
Run!!!cause somebody is sure to come after me...hehe.
no. 6 If she becomes your enemy, you will...
I don't think that will ever happen.
no. 7 If she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
Are you blind???I just said it will never happen.
no. 8 The most desirable thing to do for her is?
Playing bridge with her ( Not LOndon Bridge).
no. 9 The overall impression of her is...
Simple words cannot describe it.
no. 10 How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
Lame fella.That's me.Say it loud,say it proud!!!haha.
no. 11 The character of you for yourself is?
Shaun (The Sheep) HAHA.
no. 12 On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
Why would I hate myself???
no. 13 The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
As close as possible to Jesus Christ.
no. 14 For the people who care about and likes you, say something about them.
Keep on doing what you do best....Being a FRIEND!!!
no. 15 10 friends to tag
1. Denise Song
2. Joanne Lim
3. Chia Ching the mEcHo
4. Tan Enoch
5. Anne Peterson
6. Low Enwei (discovered any other talents lately)
7. Andrew Wong ( still hot as ever I hope)
8. Addison Ooh (yo!!)
9. Daniel Chiam ( wassup??)
10. Shaun the Sheep??( Baa...)
no. 16 Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
[Joanne]Hmm..I dunno.Better go find out.
no. 17 Is no. 3 a male or a female?
[mEcHo]Is a toilet bowl boy or girl??
no. 18 If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
[Andrew and Sheep]Hmm...interesting.But i guess not since he's(Sheep) not real.
no. 19 How about no. 5 and no. 8?
[Anne and Addison]They don't even knoe each other...or do they???
no. 20 What is no. 1 studying about?
[Denise] Form 4 science stream
no. 21 Is no. 4 single?
[Enoch] Don't know either.
no. 22 Say something about no. 6
[Enwei]She has many hidden talents.Haha.
no. 1 What is the relationship of you and her?
Waa..How you know its a her that tagged me???
no. 2 Your 5 impressions of her
- Hmmm...
- Errrrr...
-Great fun to be with!!
no. 3 The most memorable things she has done for you.
Laming with me!!! YEA!!! Lame Siblings Rock!!!
no. 4 The most memorable things she have said to you?
no. 5 If she becomes your lover, you will...
Run!!!cause somebody is sure to come after me...hehe.
no. 6 If she becomes your enemy, you will...
I don't think that will ever happen.
no. 7 If she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
Are you blind???I just said it will never happen.
no. 8 The most desirable thing to do for her is?
Playing bridge with her ( Not LOndon Bridge).
no. 9 The overall impression of her is...
Simple words cannot describe it.
no. 10 How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
Lame fella.That's me.Say it loud,say it proud!!!haha.
no. 11 The character of you for yourself is?
Shaun (The Sheep) HAHA.
no. 12 On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
Why would I hate myself???
no. 13 The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
As close as possible to Jesus Christ.
no. 14 For the people who care about and likes you, say something about them.
Keep on doing what you do best....Being a FRIEND!!!
no. 15 10 friends to tag
1. Denise Song
2. Joanne Lim
3. Chia Ching the mEcHo
4. Tan Enoch
5. Anne Peterson
6. Low Enwei (discovered any other talents lately)
7. Andrew Wong ( still hot as ever I hope)
8. Addison Ooh (yo!!)
9. Daniel Chiam ( wassup??)
10. Shaun the Sheep??( Baa...)
no. 16 Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
[Joanne]Hmm..I dunno.Better go find out.
no. 17 Is no. 3 a male or a female?
[mEcHo]Is a toilet bowl boy or girl??
no. 18 If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
[Andrew and Sheep]Hmm...interesting.But i guess not since he's(Sheep) not real.
no. 19 How about no. 5 and no. 8?
[Anne and Addison]They don't even knoe each other...or do they???
no. 20 What is no. 1 studying about?
[Denise] Form 4 science stream
no. 21 Is no. 4 single?
[Enoch] Don't know either.
no. 22 Say something about no. 6
[Enwei]She has many hidden talents.Haha.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
H-factor la!!!
Haha.Malunya saya.Its actually H-factor not project H.Haha.Anyway we were'nt allowed to take photos during the workshops I din get to take much photos.Actually I took only 2.But the staff and crew member got take photos.But i got to go to their website to upload them.But until now still don't have.So you guys got to wait a bit la.Patient is a virtue.Haha.

Harith the Stand-up comedian!!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Project H!!!
YEA!!!Tomorrow I'm gonna meet with Hannah Tan and other Malaysian celebrities.Woohoo!!!Its going to be fun.I can sense it.Haha.Their here in Penang for some project.Its called Project H..I think.Well, anyways their here to do some talent spotting and educate bout the entertainment industry and stuff.So well, I thought chances like this are 1 in a million so what the heck...Full story with pics tomorrow!!!
P.S : Hannah Tan's not bad.Haha. (Hot.Psstt!!!)
P.S : Hannah Tan's not bad.Haha. (Hot.Psstt!!!)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Who Am I ???
Grace and mercy forever with me,
That God would send His Son for me,
For who am I but a dog in the street,
That He would love me so willingly.
Am I a good man that He would save my soul,
Am I righteous to be in His presence,
I am nothing but a sinner and fool,
All I deserve is a death sentence.
But still He chose me and loved me as His,
He came down and died to cleanse me my sins,
His love is everlasting and so is His peace,
The forgiveness of sins now I know I am His.
God the Father,
Christ Jesus the Son,
The Holy Spirit,
And all three are One.
One with the Father,
One with the Son,
One in Spirit,
The church shall become.
All praise and all glory,
To Christ the Risen One,
Worship His holy name,
That all God wants.
If we are in HIm and He is in us,
Much fruit we shall bear because of His love,
Faith like a seed not a fear nor a doubt,
Mountains shall move like wind blowing clouds.
His word we obey,
And nations shall come,
Until that day,
In glory Christ comes.
That God would send His Son for me,
For who am I but a dog in the street,
That He would love me so willingly.
Am I a good man that He would save my soul,
Am I righteous to be in His presence,
I am nothing but a sinner and fool,
All I deserve is a death sentence.
But still He chose me and loved me as His,
He came down and died to cleanse me my sins,
His love is everlasting and so is His peace,
The forgiveness of sins now I know I am His.
God the Father,
Christ Jesus the Son,
The Holy Spirit,
And all three are One.
One with the Father,
One with the Son,
One in Spirit,
The church shall become.
All praise and all glory,
To Christ the Risen One,
Worship His holy name,
That all God wants.
If we are in HIm and He is in us,
Much fruit we shall bear because of His love,
Faith like a seed not a fear nor a doubt,
Mountains shall move like wind blowing clouds.
His word we obey,
And nations shall come,
Until that day,
In glory Christ comes.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Speak no evil,Say no evil but watch some lameness
And the winner is.......
Thank you so much for having us at your house even though I know it was very tiring.Housing 9 superactive teens with raging hormones at your beloved house.Thanks alot for making our reunion happen.Also thank you for driving us around the place.Really really Thank you.
Thank you also for helping with the bbq fire.I don't think we'll even get it started without your help and not forgetting the bonfire also.Thank you also for driving us around and taking us to see God's beautiful creation.
SHU YI!!!!
Thanks so much for helping with the shopping and chaperoning and driving.Would'nt know how to go anywhere without your wondrous help.
Aunty Choy Quin!!!!
Thank you also for driving us around and tolerating our lameness while in your car.Hopefully our singing did not make you deaf.Haha.Also thank you for the lunch and having us at your workplace.Hope we did'nt get you into trouble with our noise.
Thank you guys for being such wonderful people in my life.Hope to meet you all again somewhere,sometime,someplace in this journey of mine.Can't wait to see all of you again and do what we do best.....FUN!!!! The LAME SIBLINGS shall reunite again someday. And so will the DESPERADO BROTHERS continue to be desperate but not mad. The SHEEP and the LAMB shall wait for another bbq. And the NEWTOWN GANGSTERS meet to terrorise somebody elses place again.
Thank you so much for having us at your house even though I know it was very tiring.Housing 9 superactive teens with raging hormones at your beloved house.Thanks alot for making our reunion happen.Also thank you for driving us around the place.Really really Thank you.
Thank you also for helping with the bbq fire.I don't think we'll even get it started without your help and not forgetting the bonfire also.Thank you also for driving us around and taking us to see God's beautiful creation.
SHU YI!!!!
Thanks so much for helping with the shopping and chaperoning and driving.Would'nt know how to go anywhere without your wondrous help.
Aunty Choy Quin!!!!
Thank you also for driving us around and tolerating our lameness while in your car.Hopefully our singing did not make you deaf.Haha.Also thank you for the lunch and having us at your workplace.Hope we did'nt get you into trouble with our noise.
Thank you guys for being such wonderful people in my life.Hope to meet you all again somewhere,sometime,someplace in this journey of mine.Can't wait to see all of you again and do what we do best.....FUN!!!! The LAME SIBLINGS shall reunite again someday. And so will the DESPERADO BROTHERS continue to be desperate but not mad. The SHEEP and the LAMB shall wait for another bbq. And the NEWTOWN GANGSTERS meet to terrorise somebody elses place again.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Endless Lameness....Round 4
Sadly we have come to the last day,Tuesday.Quoting brother Juli-an kor " all good things must come to an end".Too true.But all in all the fun times were irreplaceable and the sad times were blessings.It is as the lonely says ' Absence makes the heart grow fonder' and as sure as the sun rises each day, we were already starting to miss each other the moment we woke up...
8.00 a.m was the hour we woke as our dear,kind and beloved brother Austin had to go to work, with some delays and heavy hearts we left our home base.Sorry Austin if we made you late that day and if we caused you any sleeping problems and household messes.Uncle Herbie and Austin drove us to the station where we said farewell to our mentors ( for the guys).After bout 20 minute ride we were then greeted by Aunty Choy Quin and proceeded to my favourite activity...LUNCH!!!!Thank you aunty for being sooooo generous.
The TRAC HQ was next on our farewell list.We visited the Hq and had more fun filled lameness there.Playing bridge,imaginery train,Bridge,computer games,bridge,proving some formula,bridge,bridge and mor bridge.And not to forget our early tea by our dear Rev. Ong ( pizza again) YEA!!!
Finally the time of the hour came and we had to go our separate ways again...not long after the fun started Enoch said his farewells.Then was the mEcho worm and finally the rest of us.But the fun still did not end..Of course with your with the Lame Siblings and Super Hot Dude the fun never ever ends til its over.Haha.Our juorney to the puduraya bus station was filled with further surprises...Haha.
At long last...our final farewells were said but in our hearts hope for another re-u burns.....
8.00 a.m was the hour we woke as our dear,kind and beloved brother Austin had to go to work, with some delays and heavy hearts we left our home base.Sorry Austin if we made you late that day and if we caused you any sleeping problems and household messes.Uncle Herbie and Austin drove us to the station where we said farewell to our mentors ( for the guys).After bout 20 minute ride we were then greeted by Aunty Choy Quin and proceeded to my favourite activity...LUNCH!!!!Thank you aunty for being sooooo generous.
The TRAC HQ was next on our farewell list.We visited the Hq and had more fun filled lameness there.Playing bridge,imaginery train,Bridge,computer games,bridge,proving some formula,bridge,bridge and mor bridge.And not to forget our early tea by our dear Rev. Ong ( pizza again) YEA!!!
Finally the time of the hour came and we had to go our separate ways again...not long after the fun started Enoch said his farewells.Then was the mEcho worm and finally the rest of us.But the fun still did not end..Of course with your with the Lame Siblings and Super Hot Dude the fun never ever ends til its over.Haha.Our juorney to the puduraya bus station was filled with further surprises...Haha.
At long last...our final farewells were said but in our hearts hope for another re-u burns.....
Friday, October 3, 2008
Lameness To The Highest Level!!!!....Round 3
Hello and Good evening.Welcome back to Reunion Days...Once again Mr.Baa shall do the honors.
And now we proceed to Monday...
With our plans to wake up and watch the sunrise failing we did the next best thing....sleep.Haha.So we continued doing that til bout 8.00 a.m?? ( I was woken up by my hungry stomach) Then we wad another wonderful breakfast at a not so nearby coffeeshop.I had a bowl of pan mee n a cup of coffee.Then we headed home to prepare for our next activity!!!Wat....the...fall!!!!But before I get on to that...We watched a sermon titled "Bait of Satan" and it was really interesting.Highly recommended.Makes you think and realise lots of stuff.
So, moving on to the Wat...the..fall!!!We left Austin's house bout 3.30???And arrived shortly after but not forgetting to give KokoBert the dreaded" JS Mentor Idol".Haha.Touching down at the waterfall,we quickly hiked up the hill and looked for a great place to swim.Finding one, we started to get the fun started.After a great show by some monkeys ( literally) we started the fun!!!First things first me and CC hunted and seached for good places to slide off the rocks.Slippery but not hurting.Finally we found one and started climbing and sliding and climbing and sliding.Sadly,6.00 clock came and we had to leave.But of course with the JS people, the fun never ends...
After going back home for a quick rest,shower and such we were joined by our Principal,Aunty Choy Quin for dinner.So much fun,singing and laming in her car.Sadly, I had a greater calling and was whisked away...But nonetheless the singing and laming continued.
First stop was the lighthouse and more monkeys with beautiful sunset.Next was dinner and....FIREFLY!!!!
Those creatures were really something.Though small in size their lights were well...bright.They were beautiful,magnificient and something you don't get to see everyday in this techno era.
And now we proceed to Monday...
With our plans to wake up and watch the sunrise failing we did the next best thing....sleep.Haha.So we continued doing that til bout 8.00 a.m?? ( I was woken up by my hungry stomach) Then we wad another wonderful breakfast at a not so nearby coffeeshop.I had a bowl of pan mee n a cup of coffee.Then we headed home to prepare for our next activity!!!Wat....the...fall!!!!But before I get on to that...We watched a sermon titled "Bait of Satan" and it was really interesting.Highly recommended.Makes you think and realise lots of stuff.
So, moving on to the Wat...the..fall!!!We left Austin's house bout 3.30???And arrived shortly after but not forgetting to give KokoBert the dreaded" JS Mentor Idol".Haha.Touching down at the waterfall,we quickly hiked up the hill and looked for a great place to swim.Finding one, we started to get the fun started.After a great show by some monkeys ( literally) we started the fun!!!First things first me and CC hunted and seached for good places to slide off the rocks.Slippery but not hurting.Finally we found one and started climbing and sliding and climbing and sliding.Sadly,6.00 clock came and we had to leave.But of course with the JS people, the fun never ends...
After going back home for a quick rest,shower and such we were joined by our Principal,Aunty Choy Quin for dinner.So much fun,singing and laming in her car.Sadly, I had a greater calling and was whisked away...But nonetheless the singing and laming continued.
First stop was the lighthouse and more monkeys with beautiful sunset.Next was dinner and....FIREFLY!!!!
Those creatures were really something.Though small in size their lights were well...bright.They were beautiful,magnificient and something you don't get to see everyday in this techno era.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Fun Filled Lameness.....Round 2
And now...presenting our new talk show host......Baa!!!!Welcome Mr.Baa...
Let us continue shall we...Hmmm where did we leave last night....Ah yes,Saturday now we shall continue on with Sunday.Waking up at 7 or 8 we all got up to get ready for church.Seems like a change of plans we were going to Whispering Hope instead of Kepong Wesley...After a quick breakfast at a Mamak shop ( I ate roti telur bawang and the usual teh halia) and saw some super teh tariking by our Mamak friend, we left with full stomachs and high hopes to church or lecture hall.There I surprised a fellow church mate,Joyce, and we caught up on some things.The sermon by Dr. Goh was very how to say....inspiring and made me realise how people are living.
Next we had some Fat Rice for lunch and went back to our place.There we had more lameness and fun playing mafia ( Yea!! I rescued June twice) while others watched some Ah Long movie,played more bridge while we waited for the time to go and have our hilltop babi Q.
The babi Q was nice.Set on a hilltop, the view was priceless.We had fun trying to keep the fire alive with KokoBert throwing in some ' magic ' water to ' spice up ' the flame.We had more fun cooking ( Wen Dee lost focus half way and started burning up the chickens), eating and laming around.Sad though when June,Anitha and Shu Yi had to leave.After our stomachs were filled, it was time to open up and share what we did after Js.But before that, we sat in front of the fire and had an early Christmas!!!!We sang our hearts out.Singing all the Christmas carols we could remember ( I think the whole Kampung could hear us.Hehehe.)
After all that sharing, it was time to leave for home.We walked back still singing but this time we were singing all the nursery rhymes we ever came across.But the night was just beginning,instead of going to sleep ( because we were suppose to wake up for the sunrise) we sat around and started talking of stories.Talking til the wee hours of the morning me,En Wei and Wen Dee slept at bout 4.30.
....And of course we all missed the sunrise......
Let us continue shall we...Hmmm where did we leave last night....Ah yes,Saturday now we shall continue on with Sunday.Waking up at 7 or 8 we all got up to get ready for church.Seems like a change of plans we were going to Whispering Hope instead of Kepong Wesley...After a quick breakfast at a Mamak shop ( I ate roti telur bawang and the usual teh halia) and saw some super teh tariking by our Mamak friend, we left with full stomachs and high hopes to church or lecture hall.There I surprised a fellow church mate,Joyce, and we caught up on some things.The sermon by Dr. Goh was very how to say....inspiring and made me realise how people are living.
Next we had some Fat Rice for lunch and went back to our place.There we had more lameness and fun playing mafia ( Yea!! I rescued June twice) while others watched some Ah Long movie,played more bridge while we waited for the time to go and have our hilltop babi Q.
The babi Q was nice.Set on a hilltop, the view was priceless.We had fun trying to keep the fire alive with KokoBert throwing in some ' magic ' water to ' spice up ' the flame.We had more fun cooking ( Wen Dee lost focus half way and started burning up the chickens), eating and laming around.Sad though when June,Anitha and Shu Yi had to leave.After our stomachs were filled, it was time to open up and share what we did after Js.But before that, we sat in front of the fire and had an early Christmas!!!!We sang our hearts out.Singing all the Christmas carols we could remember ( I think the whole Kampung could hear us.Hehehe.)
After all that sharing, it was time to leave for home.We walked back still singing but this time we were singing all the nursery rhymes we ever came across.But the night was just beginning,instead of going to sleep ( because we were suppose to wake up for the sunrise) we sat around and started talking of stories.Talking til the wee hours of the morning me,En Wei and Wen Dee slept at bout 4.30.
....And of course we all missed the sunrise......
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Lameness...Round 1
Hello and welcome back to The Latest News of The Life of Shaun 'The Sheep' Yeoh....Straight form the Sheep's mouth.And now we go to Sheepie for the wheather report...
Starting with last sat...The wheater was great,bright shining sun with no signs of cloud all the way down as I travelled to KL.With a little touch of boredoom and some music for company, the journey seemed faster but not fast enough.Finally touching down in Pudu greeted by a small welcoming commitee,I was soon made comfortable by the greetings and stories from evryone else.
Now back to you Shaun for the daily report...
Well...Soon we,Enoch,Hon-Hon,Matt and me were travelling by train to rawang then we were greeted by the rest of the welcoming committee.So wonderfull to see the familiar faces of a worm,blur boy,lamb and wern duh.Haha.Our hungry stomachs were soon satisfied as we stopped at a nearby 'Kopitiam' with help from our mentors.Then it was off to buy stuff for our babi Q.So much fun deciding what to buy,testing my brain against the calculator.Haha.
Starting with last sat...The wheater was great,bright shining sun with no signs of cloud all the way down as I travelled to KL.With a little touch of boredoom and some music for company, the journey seemed faster but not fast enough.Finally touching down in Pudu greeted by a small welcoming commitee,I was soon made comfortable by the greetings and stories from evryone else.
Now back to you Shaun for the daily report...
Well...Soon we,Enoch,Hon-Hon,Matt and me were travelling by train to rawang then we were greeted by the rest of the welcoming committee.So wonderfull to see the familiar faces of a worm,blur boy,lamb and wern duh.Haha.Our hungry stomachs were soon satisfied as we stopped at a nearby 'Kopitiam' with help from our mentors.Then it was off to buy stuff for our babi Q.So much fun deciding what to buy,testing my brain against the calculator.Haha.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Yea...finally a successful reunion with my peeps.So wonderful spending the weekends with the most wonderful people i have ever come across with.Cant wait to have more.Hehe.Thats it for now.Will put in the details tomorrow.Wanna go sleep first.Hehe.See you tomorrow for the full story.Same place not same time.This is Shaun 'The Sheep' Yeoh,saying Goodnight.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
So fun!!!
Yo guys...rugi la ya'll never come to Penang with CC.So many fun things that we did very hard for me too say in this in the blog.Haha.My birthday also full of fun.Next time you guys gotta come alright.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Hey guys, how u guys doing???Just wanna say that last week I saw a burglary prevention took place right behind my house.The atmosphere was so tense coupled with excitement and happiness from the surrounding neighbours.It was truly a new experience for me as I;ve never come close to anything like this.Everyone was like what happened,some were telling their version of the story,some were just keen on watching but best of all was the owners proud,happy and beeming face.
"You learn and experience something new everyday."
"Everyday is an adventure.Live it.Love it.Learn about it.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Prayer for a Friend
Hey guys,ever had the feeling that you know you should do or say something but you cant seem to figure out what it is or have the guts to say it or wether what you say is appropriate???Well,just recently I found out that my friend's having some serious probs but I just could'nt find the words to say....What should I do???Keep quite like nothing happen???Do nothing like its not my prob???
NO!!!I will make sure that friend pulls through whatever may be the problem!!!!!
NO!!!I will make sure that friend pulls through whatever may be the problem!!!!!
Well guys,since I'm back home in Penang,with nothing much to do and all that except school home work,the church musical chariperson has asked me to play the guitar but...I've been so out of practice that I'm scared to play actually.Fingers are all soft now and my chords dictionary is still quite empty.But what to do,its this Sunday and I've gotta do it no matter what.Cant keep postponing it.Pray for me ya.Thx guys.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Feels so good to be back!!!
Hey guys,sorry for being offline so long.Just wanna say its great to be back though I don't know for how long.Sadly,my car is still in the hospital after the unlucky 'battle with the Transformers' much longer do I have to wait???Anyway,just read in todays newspaper that kind off struck me hard.Made me realise why I,no we,have to go through tough times no matter how tough it may be.
"Sometimes God breaks us so that we will humble ourselves,
and remember who we really are"
So my friends out there,do not be too boastful if you can help it and remember that He is our Lord.Cheers!!!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Hey guys!!! Hows everyone out there??? So long never hear any news from you guys. Lately my church had a concert from a very hebat group of Korean singers. They really really hebat. Saw them doing cool solos. Make me really wish I could do some of that. But anyways, I learnt lots from them that night. I'd really encourage ya'll to go if their coming to your church. Their going round Malaysia currently. So hopefully their coming your way. Anyways, have many a great days ahead of you and happy Form 6ing for those that are there and Happy College days for the rest and Happy University days for the 4 of you. Cheerio!!! Just a greeting from a lame sheep, that is so lame, his not lame anymore.OOOSSTT!!!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Never knew there would come a day when I had to be involved in 1 myself.Just the shock itself is enough to open your eyes to reality.Now I understand and know what did those people meant when they said they saw their whole life flash before their eyes.Its a feeling of shock,fear and adrenaline rush alltogether.Never will I ever want to feel this wave of emotions again.
"Some people go through life without making accidents happen,
Some go through life making small ones along the way,
Just did a BIG one that would last me a lifetime"....I hope.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Form Sick???
3 days and counting....That will be like 72 hours...Don't bother to count the minutes...Number too big.Anyways these are the amount of time that I can enjoy freedom until I'm bound by studies.Yes...I'm gonna go back to school on Monday.Now I know why they call it Monday Blues...Time sure flies fast.One day your jumping out of the exam hall.The next your celebrating Christmas with your Family and Friends.Then your off to Port Dickson for Jeremiah School.Two months later you back at home waiting for results.Then your sitting down in front off the computer and writing this blog and the next thing you know is your off to school once again in about another 3 days.So fast..but not furious.Haha.But who knows after this long the school might be furious.Anyways,I guess its time to start the engine in my head,on the headlights that are my eyes,flick on the signal lights which are my hands,step on the accelerator that is my nerves,put some fuel which is food,move the tires that are my feet and off to school I go.Maybe I should also put some oil in my brain to help it start.Hehe.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Food.Glorious food!!!
You guys know what it feels like to wanna eat and not wanna eat at the same time???I can tell you honestly that the feeling is terrible.Its like the worst feeling of hunger and pain mixed together.Don't know what I'm talking about you say.I'm a lil bit cuckoo you say.Then,let me give you a scenario....
Imagine your walking around the house looking for something to do coz your so bored.Suddenly,you hear a low rumbling,growling sound coming from somewhere.You look around,but your the only person in the house.Then you hear it again.A deep,low rumbling,growling sound.You realize that its just your stomach and your just hungry coz you didn't eat a proper breakfast.So,you proceed to the fridge to look for something to eat.Finding nothing you go towards the table where the snacks are usually put.You found something you like and take it.You pull out the snack,stuffs it into your mouth and suddenly a burst of pain erupts.Then you struggle to chew and in the end you just swallow the thing whole.
Now do you know what I mean.These few days have been like my hungriest days in the entire history of hungriest days.Haha.Its terrible trying to survive between two pains.If you don't eat,your stomach aches and aches and aches and finally you get gastric and thats even worse.If you eat,your tooth cries out in pain and prevents you from eating.Haiz...Its like a food fight inside of you.One side says EAT!!!EAT!!!EAT!!! Another says NO!!!NO!!!NO!!!
So the question is....Who wins????
Imagine your walking around the house looking for something to do coz your so bored.Suddenly,you hear a low rumbling,growling sound coming from somewhere.You look around,but your the only person in the house.Then you hear it again.A deep,low rumbling,growling sound.You realize that its just your stomach and your just hungry coz you didn't eat a proper breakfast.So,you proceed to the fridge to look for something to eat.Finding nothing you go towards the table where the snacks are usually put.You found something you like and take it.You pull out the snack,stuffs it into your mouth and suddenly a burst of pain erupts.Then you struggle to chew and in the end you just swallow the thing whole.
Now do you know what I mean.These few days have been like my hungriest days in the entire history of hungriest days.Haha.Its terrible trying to survive between two pains.If you don't eat,your stomach aches and aches and aches and finally you get gastric and thats even worse.If you eat,your tooth cries out in pain and prevents you from eating.Haiz...Its like a food fight inside of you.One side says EAT!!!EAT!!!EAT!!! Another says NO!!!NO!!!NO!!!
So the question is....Who wins????
Monday, May 5, 2008
Yesterday I woke up,brush my teeth and did the morning chores.Then I quietl sat down in front of the computer and took a bite off a prune.Suddenly, ouch....A sudden wave of pain erupted from my tooth.Oh no, somethings wrong with my tooth.My beloved tooth.My strong teeth in which i use to bite and chew.My beloved and precious teeth that helps me do my favourite thing...EAT!!!Oh no!!!!In the end,I had to go to the dentist.Surprisingly,unlike in school,each trip to the dentist brought feelings of nervousness and fear but this time it felt different.It just felt like any other ordinary trip to the doctors.Just that you ain' sick.Your tooth is.And so I waited till my name was called.With confidence I stepped in to see the doctor.Unfortunately, for me n my tooth,the doctor had to perform a minor surgery on me tooth.She took out my tooth's nerve which causes me to never ever feel anymore pain.So now,my tooth is feeling abit weird and so am I.Having some difficulty eating.Haiz...But what to do.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
You'll never walk alone!!!
Does the title sound familiar???That's because its the solgan,theme or wadeva you wanna call it for Liverpool.In fact its not only a slogan or wadeva its a great truth.You wanna know what's the truth???First let me begin with a story...
There was once an old lady.She lived alone in a house.Nobody was there except her and the four walls of the house.None of her neighbours wanted anything to do with her and so did her family.But one day as she was going to church, a church member asked her a simple question...
"Don't you feel lonely at home?"
"No,I don't"the old lady replied.
"Why not?Aren't you the only one in the whole house?"
"No,I'm not.There are actually another three people in my house."
The church member thought her 'screw' might be loose.You would too if you knew that the entire household was really just the old lady alone that lived there.But to play along the church member asked,"Who then lives with you?"
"Oh,you don't know?He's actually everywhere and anywhere.He is Jesus."
"Jesus?But He's only one.You said there were three peolple."
"Oh,have you forgotten.Jesus,God and the Holy Spirit are 3 in 1.So all of them are there.God the Father,Jesus the Son and the Holy spirit.I'm never alone."
The moral of the story is:YOU'LL NEVER EVER WALK ALONE!!!
There was once an old lady.She lived alone in a house.Nobody was there except her and the four walls of the house.None of her neighbours wanted anything to do with her and so did her family.But one day as she was going to church, a church member asked her a simple question...
"Don't you feel lonely at home?"
"No,I don't"the old lady replied.
"Why not?Aren't you the only one in the whole house?"
"No,I'm not.There are actually another three people in my house."
The church member thought her 'screw' might be loose.You would too if you knew that the entire household was really just the old lady alone that lived there.But to play along the church member asked,"Who then lives with you?"
"Oh,you don't know?He's actually everywhere and anywhere.He is Jesus."
"Jesus?But He's only one.You said there were three peolple."
"Oh,have you forgotten.Jesus,God and the Holy Spirit are 3 in 1.So all of them are there.God the Father,Jesus the Son and the Holy spirit.I'm never alone."
The moral of the story is:YOU'LL NEVER EVER WALK ALONE!!!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
How bout the future???
Haha.Figure out the answer yet???The place where a sheep gets its haircut is.......A Baa-ber shop!!!Now you know.Anyway,my church had organised an outing to Taiping on Thursday and we had fun.First we went to the Charcoal Factory and saw how charcoal is produced.But sadly Malaysians only use charcoal to cook food but,we export them to Japan and thier using charcoal to make lotion,shoe polish and whatnots.Haiz...Why la Malaysia like this.Then we went to visit the Forest Mangrove Reserve just opposite the factory.It was really boring.All you see were trees and trees and more trees.But luckily I had my Biology to keep me company and I sorta became a tour guide for my other friends.Haha.Then we went to lunch in Taiping Wesley and after that we went to the zoo.Its very sad you know to see those animals trapped in those small cages but thats not the worst part.The cages were unkept and dirty.There wasn't even enough water to support the numerous animals in a cage.I had already been there twice before but the conditions were okay back then,but now,bad to worst.Which got me thinking,if in the wild the animals are hunted and in the zoo these animals are poorly taken care off then,whats the difference between being out there and in here.At least out there they can enjoy the freedom they deserve.I ain't want my kids to come up and tell me,"Dad,you and your generation screwed up the environment and now I can't even see my favourite alive anymore except in books."Do we really want that???I don't really know what we can really do to save Momma Nature but,we can start learning now and start doing it now.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Life Partner???
Doreen: Apa melt.You so hot blame me pula.
Austin: What you looking at??This my partner cannot ar???
Chia Ching:Oi, Daniel how to play this song ar.Faster teach me I wanna 'kau loi'.
Chia Ching:Aiyo,why she don't want me???My song not nice enough ar??I so mEcho not good enough???
(Chia Ching,KoKoBert,SheepZ)
The first part of my Ohana in JS.These 2 people were the ones I spend most of my time with in JS.Will never forget all the once-in-a-while free suppers.
(Chia Ching,Daniel,Yuen Feung,SheepZ,Andrew,Enoch)
My all-black half brothers.My second part of JS.The people I spend most of my time sleeping together(plus some other guys).Haha.Will never forget all the morning QT we had together.
(KoKoBert,ACQ,Shu Yi,Austin)
The people who made everything possible.Will never forget all the things you have done for me.
ola...Gud morning my fellow people who reads my blog.I woke up this morning and even though it was late, I felt happy.Don't really know why.Maybe cause I can wake up and stare at the com the whole day again today or whatelse,I don't know.But its still sad not to be able to wake up to noises of people going to bathe,to wake up and see my other friends reading their own Bible,patiently doing their QT,seeing William still asleep and happy that I'm not the last person.Now everyday here is totally different.I wake up and see four walls staring back at me,I'll be the last person to wake up and mealtimes have never been so quiet.The days after JS were so peaceful i can't imagine that peace ever existed.haha.But anyway,what am I doing after so long still talking bout JS.Just a question for you guys :- Where does a sheep go to get its haircut???
Thou art...
When I be thirst,
Like a deer that panteth,
So shalt my soul,
Be longing for Thee.
Thou alone,
My Strength and Shield be,
Thou alone,
Shalt my Spirit yield.
Thou alone,
Be my Hearts desire,
Thou alone,
Shalt I worship.
Thou be my Brother,
Thou be my Friend,
Thou be my Father,
When thoust be should King.
Thoust died for me sins,
Saveth me from real death,
Thoust shed tears for me,
When thy Son dieth.
Thou be more loving,
Thou be more forgiving,
My Lord Thy be,
My rock my feet standeth.
Like a deer that panteth,
So shalt my soul,
Be longing for Thee.
Thou alone,
My Strength and Shield be,
Thou alone,
Shalt my Spirit yield.
Thou alone,
Be my Hearts desire,
Thou alone,
Shalt I worship.
Thou be my Brother,
Thou be my Friend,
Thou be my Father,
When thoust be should King.
Thoust died for me sins,
Saveth me from real death,
Thoust shed tears for me,
When thy Son dieth.
Thou be more loving,
Thou be more forgiving,
My Lord Thy be,
My rock my feet standeth.
Haha.Finally can use a com and I stare at it the whole day.Haha.So long I never use.Its been so long since I can finally sit down and stare at a computer screen all day long and not be bothered by anything happening in the world around me.Haha.School is gonna start soon,in bout another 2,3 weeks I think.So fast.Why time fly so fast ar.Can anybody answer for me anot.Don't gimme any nonsense crap I already know ya.Hehe.But you know 1 thing I learnt today.It doesn't matter how time flies fast or how slow it travles,its what you do with the time that you have.A minute lost is a minute in your whole life that you'll never ever get back.You can buy stuff with money,heck you can even buy love and friendship and what not,but time and tide waits for no man or woman.Its kinda like your salvation.Its harder for a rich dude to get into heaven compared to a camel,elephant or whale to get through the eye of a needle.Think bout it for a second.Sure it might be a second lost for some but it could mean an eternal life gainned for others.God bless you people!!!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Oh ya, I forgot to tell you guys.I've now got a temporary laptop I can use and whats best is,its brand new.But its my dad's so once in a while i can use and update blog and other stuff.So hopefully the com doesn't crash again or something,if not cham lo.Eh,Wen Dee ar..I just saw your old blog and u got tag me but then how I open the tag or whatever ar???I noob la.So don't know.haha.
So fast,So sad... fast time flies and my weekend in KL is sad la.but at least get to meet up with my dudes and dudettes time u guys must come to penang ya.i'l be waiting patiently.i arrived back home safely yesterday at bout 7.30 hungry you know.i went home straight go boring and tired in the bus.walk the whole day in midvalley and times.waa..leg can break lo.but who cares as long as i get to meet up wif my JS buddies and lepak with them.Ooosstt!!ohya..this thursday,Labour day, my church having an outing to Taiping Zoo.So if any of you going up to Perak then come la.we meet again.haha.Baa!!!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Fun in KL!!!!
Waa...You guys wanna know whats it like before a shopping mall opens ar.I can personnally tell you.I was left in Times Square since 8.30 a.m coz hon gotta go go there ar can still see the workers sweeping and mopping the floors.haha.felt so weird.everyone is like got work to do and I'm the only guy just sitting round and doing nothing watching them work.haha.Then after that bout noon lidat Wen Dee came n 'teman' me walk around the mall.Spended the whole day walking and visitting Borders.haha.Then after that go to the Help gathering for makan.Also celebrate Julian's birthday.So fun to be with the JS guys again.haha.Gonna be sleeping in hons house together with Wormz and Wei Liam.haha.3 clock still not yet sleep.haha.instead I write this blog.haha.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Haiz....So long I never write blog de now i dunno wad to write.hehe.Feel so ketinggalan.hmmm...wanna start from where ar...ok la.will start with today.Today i'm in Hon's house lo.Staying over till da help thingy.Come to kacau him.Tomorrow is Wen Dee's turn so u jaga-jaga la.Dun say i din warn you.hoho.what else wanna say ar...dunno la.hehe.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Thanks guys!!!
Sorry guys for not updating my blog for so long.I couldn't online at all cause my com's harddrive got busted.Couldn't on my com now that I've got a temporary working com I might be able to update once in a while.Firstly, I wanna thank all you guys for supporting me and encouraging me.Especially those that came to visit me on what I would call the most trying time I have ever been through.I was really touched seeing you guys coming all the way from as far as Seremban and as near as Alor Setar or Setiawan(not really sure which 1 is nearer).Well,since you guys must have missed reading new posts from a dude who calls himself Baa!! I'm gonna give ya'l a long long 1.Hehe.Actually what I really wanna say here is You don't really appreciate anything until you have lost it completely.I'm sure you guys know what I mean but for the first time in my life the reality of losing something or someone forever hit me so hard I didn't have time to think about what I just lost.It happened so fast and sudden it'l shock you and change you for life.I feel like I'm giving a lecture.Hehe.Anyways you guys know what I mean.So go out tommorow,later or whenever and give a really big hug to all the people you consider as your friends and loved ones.Hopefully my next update will be soon and less emo.Cheers!!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Ohana Forever!!!
I left my home in January,
To start on an amazing journey,
An adventure of self-discovery,
How wonderful could this be.
In my journey I met some friends,
22 to be exact,
To one another each an alien,
But this be not for long.
As each day came,
Our friendship bloomed,
Watered and fertilised by love and care,
It bloomed and into a forest it grew.
Fun times we had,
Troubled time we shared,
A blessing we were to each other,
The memories cherished forever.
Sadly our journey came to an end,
And I finally understand,
What it means to love without end,
It broke my heart of rock to sand.
And as we said our goodbyes and farewells,
Our ohana will not die,
For in our hearts we are always together,
Forever and ever for as long as we can remember.
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Its now been 3 weeks since i saw any of my JS buddies.Really miss them all.Hope to see them real soon.Everytime I wash dishes,eat go toilet doing big or small business or just to bathe I'll immediattely be reminded of the many excitements, fun and interestingness of JS and my buddies.Even when I'm talking to my friends I'll think of my buddies.I would think "If Chia Ching were here...." or "In JS it would be like this..." or " If only my JS buddies could be here...".But sadly our reunion could not go as planned.Sorry ya guys theres still next time or the YLDP.I heard its gonna be 6 days.So lets turn the whole camp upside-down!!!I miss all the imes we had together.Playing dodgeball,captainball or basketball or siting in the U-shape in the hall listening to sessions even sleeping with you guys.Everyday and everything was an adventure.Everything was pure fun,excitement and adventure.Even in the toilet bathing still got talking,singing and stuff.hehe.You guys were really an 'ohana'.And BEST OF ALL your MY 'OHANA'.Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind or FORGOTTEN!!!
Friday, March 14, 2008
I won' t say that I'm happy with my results nor will I say that I'm unhappy.Kinda in between.Don't really know how to put it in words but I guess you understand.If not,keep trying to figure it out.But anyway I'm going off to form 6 then I'll decide my future courses based on my STPM.Anyway cheers to Wen Dee and the others for your results.Praise GOD.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Friends are wonderful,
Friends are amazing,
They are like fuel,
Which keeps you going.
Friends are like your shadow,
Thats just stuck on you,
Always with you where ever you go,
And will never leave you.
Friends are like ice-cream cones,
Holding you up,
Friendship as strongs as bones,
That will never break-up.
Friends are like an extra pair of hands,
Always there when you need help,
So make lots of friends,
Before your time here is up.
To all my friends out there thanks for being a part of my life.GOD bless you.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Hey guys,I've been thinking bout our reunion and since Doreen and Addison's church having their youth camp on the May/June hols,why don't we join them as well and reunite at their camp??How bout it.
Oh ya,just to let you guys know,my church is having a concert with Juwita Suwito on the 29 March so if u guys can come it'l be great.Though I'm not sure if need to pay anot.Will let you guys know when I know.Hope to see ya guys.Cheers!!!
Oh ya,just to let you guys know,my church is having a concert with Juwita Suwito on the 29 March so if u guys can come it'l be great.Though I'm not sure if need to pay anot.Will let you guys know when I know.Hope to see ya guys.Cheers!!!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
In moments like this,
I sing out a song,
I sing out a love song to Jesus.
In moments like this,
I like sing out a song,
I sing out a love son to You.
Singing I love You,LORD,
Singing I love You LORD,
Singing I love You,LORD,
LORD, I love You.
This is 1 of my most favourite songs.I always sing it when i get emo.Sorta calms me down abit.Sometimes I change de words e.g love to praise,singing to saying and so on(depending on what I'm feeling).But bottom line is it helps to clear my head and make me think more clearly.It also allows me or pushes me to do certain things that I should do and keeps on reminding me that GOD is in control no matter what.So i just wanna share his to all me dudes and dudettes out there.Whenever your feeling down,nervous,anxious or whatever even if your happy,THIS SONG MAKES WONDERS for me and I hope it does the same to you.
I sing out a song,
I sing out a love song to Jesus.
In moments like this,
I like sing out a song,
I sing out a love son to You.
Singing I love You,LORD,
Singing I love You LORD,
Singing I love You,LORD,
LORD, I love You.
This is 1 of my most favourite songs.I always sing it when i get emo.Sorta calms me down abit.Sometimes I change de words e.g love to praise,singing to saying and so on(depending on what I'm feeling).But bottom line is it helps to clear my head and make me think more clearly.It also allows me or pushes me to do certain things that I should do and keeps on reminding me that GOD is in control no matter what.So i just wanna share his to all me dudes and dudettes out there.Whenever your feeling down,nervous,anxious or whatever even if your happy,THIS SONG MAKES WONDERS for me and I hope it does the same to you.
Wondering wad Ooosstt!!! means???Its a long story but I've got lots of place to write so i'll tell u anyway.hehe.Ready??Here goes....If I'm no mistaken it got started on the second day of our 'evangelising' but actually the first day already had just that it had no catchphrase yet.Evrybosy was just saying "tak tau malu" so I felt it was kinda boring den I added de Ooosstt!!! behind.I guess it just got stuck.So now its OOOSSTT!!!But enough of that now its not an interesting story anyway(so short I say so long.hehe).So listen to this,
Afraid we were,
To speak to a stanger,
But still it must be done,
A word to those who needs a courage boost,
Just believe and say Ooosstt!!!
Afraid we were,
To speak to a stanger,
But still it must be done,
A word to those who needs a courage boost,
Just believe and say Ooosstt!!!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Its almost 2 weeks already since JS ended.Time sure flies fast.At first,we were all newbies at camp.Not knowing who was who and what was what except those that we had already met.Then,after getting to know 1 another and learning more about each other,we progressed to living with 1 another.It was ok for me mostly cause I liked eveyone and nobody had yet to give me a reason to explode but as we continued to live together some of my mates were starting to bug me.But,by God's grace,I held on and remained calm.Sadly by the end of the first 4 weeks sparks had already flew and I was on the verge of whacking a few heads.Thankfully,Koko Bert did a great thing and a good decision and that really helped me to let go of the anger I had.But as we said our goodbyes in Ampang I realised that those feelings were actually quite pointless and stupid as I reflected on the fun times we shared together.Those sweet memories are what makes life interesting and filled wih adventure and fun.It kinda gives meaning to life.And now as I look back at the remaining 2 weeks of JS I realised that this time I did not get angry but just a little frustrated at times.It really was AN ADVENTURE TO LIVE as we went out to 'evangelise' to people.And remembering the sketch,I had A BATTLE TO FIGHTas I 'fought' with my buddie Chia Ching.And I also had A BEAUTY TO RESCUE when we were at the Batu Berangkai Waterfall and I had to 'rescue' poor Anitha's bottle(It was kinda fun chasing after a bottle down a waterfall.hehe)So I guess,and a note to Andrew(hon-hon) I AM A MAN THAT IS WILD AT HEART!!!!!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Today i did some sort of 'spring-cleaning' of my room and i came across the old files of our precious YLDP and Yq camps.Immediately all those memories of the camps came to me.If u guys are wondering i was in Yosia in Yq.I took them out and went through the name lists.Turns out,if i'm not mistaken, only me,Enwei and Wen Dee were in he same level except level 3 which Wen Dee did'nt go.Boo!! sama dia.hehe.Anyway,those camps thought me a lot of things that i will never ever forget.JS has also thought me very wonderful things bout life and love.
Words begin with A,B,C,
Numbers begin with 1,2,3,
Music begins with do,re,mi,
But FRIENDSHIP begins with you and me.
Lots of love to all my JS buddies.
Cheers from Baa!!!
Words begin with A,B,C,
Numbers begin with 1,2,3,
Music begins with do,re,mi,
But FRIENDSHIP begins with you and me.
Lots of love to all my JS buddies.
Cheers from Baa!!!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
wadup ya'll.its the one n only Shaun the SheepZ.Baa!!!guess i also kena de blog craze.another ting js tot me.hehe.funny la.its kinda like tokin to urself xcept dat evrybody can see, its gonna be pretty fun,i tink,doing dis blogging thingy.bu still a newbie at dis so all ya HOMOsapiens gotta teach me.
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